This job was processed as part of my permanent employment at MWK Zimmermann & Hähnel GmbH.
Sack.de is the web store on the subject of law, business and taxes of the specialist media retailer of the same name. The search function, shopping cart, ordering process and product selection make high demands on the interface design and must offer an intuitive user experience. MWK's task was to harmonize these requirements with the company's corporate design.

The design of the user interface was planned from the very beginning under the premise of "mobile first". Complex functions place different demands on mobile devices and small screen sizes than in a desktop environment.

The scheme of the company's corporate colors was significantly expanded in order to be able to define clear hierarchies and different valences for the website's functions. In addition, two color palettes were developed for the illustrations that are part of Sack Fachmedien's corporate design.

In addition to the web store, the website also works as Sack's corporate image website, offering the opportunity to showcase the company's events, stores and services.

Ordering processes and filter functions are such complex operations that they have to function differently on small screen sizes than in a desktop environment. Nevertheless, it is important that the user recognizes the environment when changing the medium and finds his way around immediately.